Saturday, 10 July 2021

The role of strand displacement: from the origin of life to current perspectives

Rolling-circle and strand-displacement mechanisms for non-enzymatic RNA replication at the time of the origin of life

Tupper and Higgs use basic chemical reasoning illustrated with ODE-level modelling to argue that pre-enzymatic replication of RNA templates would have been most successful in a "rolling circle displacement" mode, wherein a circular template is copied by a product that displaces its own tail as it goes round the template. This tail must eventually be cleaved by some kind of self-cleaving ribozyme, and ligated to form another circular template for the reaction to proceed to another generation. The authors argue that a displacement mechanism is the only way to avoid suppression of the reaction via product inhibition, wherein copies bind strongly to their templates. Going further than previous arguments, they claim that even in systems with time varying external conditions that allow separation and synthesis in different environments, products will still cause inevitable inhibition through rebinding at a critical concentration. This critical concentration is relatively low because pre-enzymatic extension of RNA on a template would have been slow. Moreover, rolling circle displacement is deemed to be better than displacement on a linear template, because linear templates suffer from the fact that the strand that is being synthesised can be easily displaced from the template at each (slow) synthesis step.

DNA computing: NOT logic gates see the light

This paper describes a NOT gate for DNA computation enabled by optical control of nucleic acid function via light-removable nucleobase caging groups. This temporal precise control using light allowed the authors the introduction of Boolean logic gates into single- and multilayer DNA circuits. The design was successfully integrated within NOT, NOR and NAND circuits demonstrating the potential of DNA circuitry.

Reactor design for minimizing product inhibition during enzymatic lignocellulose hydrolysis
II. Quantification of inhibition and suitability of membrane reactors

This review discusses the effect of product inhibition in the particular case of lignocellulose hydrolysis. The authors present ways of quantifying and experimentally characterise the inhibition and propose reactor designs that can minimise the product inhibition effect of the enzymatic reaction.

Perspective: Sloppiness and emergent theories in physics, biology, and beyond

This paper aims to utilise information geometry to simplify models with a large number of parameters. They make the point that in such models with many parameters, there are often multiple combinations of parameters which fit the model and that certain subsets of parameters make little difference to the predictions. This is made more formal by looking at the Fisher Information matrix (FIM) made from the parameters and finding that its eigenvalues have a roughly exponential structure, where the second largest is an order of magnitude smaller than the largest etc. This means only a few eigenvalues are relevant. Information geometry focusses on using the FIM as a Riemannian metric on the manifold of parameters. Due to the exponential structure of the eigenvalues the manifold has a ribbon like structure with boundaries corresponding to simplifications of the model. Certain combinations of parameters having little effect on the predictions translates into certain directions in parameter space being irrelevant. Following these directions to a boundary helps to simplify models. They give the specific example of a metabolic pathway being reduced from 48 parameters to 12.

Kinetics of heterochiral strand displacement from PNA-DNA heteroduplexes

DNA comes in two distinct enantiomers (L-DNA and D-DNA). These enantiomers can not form base pairs with each other. This paper develops a reaction known as heterochiral strand displacement which allows displacement of one enantiomer by the other using an achiral substrate strand made from PNA. This study undertakes an extensive characterisation of the kinetics of heterochiral strand displacement across a range of toehold lengths and mismatch positions. Heterochiral strand displacement is particularly useful when considering introduction of nanodevices into cells, as L-DNA will not interfere with native cellular molecules or be recognised by nucleases.

Room with a Re-view: A series of reviews on nucleic acid nanotechnology

 The i-Motif as a molecular target: More than a complementary DNA secondary structure

The i-motif is a DNA structure formed by C tetrads intercalated with small loops regions. In vitro this structure is formed at low Ph, since it requires the protonation of the C’s. However, this structures appear inside the cell at physiological pH. The present review discuss the functions of i-motifs as transcription regulators inside the cell and its uses in synthetic biology and nanotechnology. Special focus is given to the application of i-motifs knowledge in cancer therapy, since this motif is abundant in tumor cells.

In Vitro selection of RNA aptamers binding to nanosized DNA for constructing artificial riboswitches

The authors present a method to rationally construct artificial riboswitches using nanosized DNA aptamers. This particular aptamer allowed them to regulate the internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation in respond to a ligand (nanosized DNA). They proved that the induction ratio is much higher than the same type of riboswitch but using a different aptamer. They propose to use nanosized nucleic acid to build bacterial riboswitches as an alternative for other regulators such as toehold switches or small transcription activating RNAs (STARs)

Behaviour of information flow near criticality

In this paper the mutual information between two spins in a two-dimensional Ising model are explored. An input spin is chosen, and its value is set by a random telegraph process with a given timescale. An output spin, a distance, d, away from the input is then monitored. Two measures of the mutual information between the input and output spins are then measured: the instantaneous mutual information of the steady state, and the rate of increase of mutual information. For a given timescale of the input spin, both the instantaneous information and information rate were found to express a maximum close to, but not at, the critical temperature. Furthermore, the information rate maximum was found to be non-monotonic as a function of the timescale of the input. These maxima were explained to be due to the balance between thermal noise, which increases with temperature, and the response time of the system, which decreases with temperature.

Allosteric regulation of DNA circuits enables minimal and rapid biosensors of small molecules

This paper aimed to detect small molecule pollutants within environmental water samples, specifically two families of antibiotics. They employed the corresponding allosteric transcription factor to initially capture the ligand of interest e.g. TetR (tetracycline repressor). They exploited the competition between the allosteric transcription factor and an endonuclease to trigger a TMSD reaction and achieve signal amplification. In the presence of tetracycline, this can bind to TetR preventing binding of TetR to tetO (tet operator sequence) allowing the endonuclease to cleave and create a toehold. This can be accessed by a fluorescence reporter sequence. This is followed by cleavage cycles in order to get amplification of the signal. This system gives a broad linear range of detection.