Unzipping of a
double stranded block copolymer DNA by a periodic force
In this paper, a simple model for mechanical unzipping of double
stranded DNA (dsDNA) is explored using Monte Carlo simulations. Block copolymer
DNA is considered, consisting of repeated units of different length each having
two hydrogen bond monomers and three hydrogen bond monomers. Results for a
static force applied to the tip of the dsDNA are reproduced displaying a first
order transition from zipped to unzipped states and is independent of sequence.
Simulations for a periodic force are also made and these are found to depend
greatly on the sequence. Hysteresis curves are obtained for different sequences
and the scaling of their area with frequency and amplitude of the periodic force
is studied.
Genetic circuit characterization by inferring RNA polymerase
movement and ribosome usage
This paper focuses on the analysis of complete genetic circuits using -omics
tools (RNA sequencing and ribosome profiling) with pre-characterized genetic
parts. They characterized the performance of each part of the circuit as well
as the impact of the genomic context. These characterization results were used
to understand the circuit dynamics and to analyse the circuit impact on the
host cell (genetic burden).
Noise-induced symmetry breaking far from equilibrium and the
emergence of biological homochirality
All biological molecules, like amino acids and sugars, are mostly
found with a single chirality i.e. the spatial arrangement of its atoms. A
specular arrangement of the molecule (enantiomer) would be equally stable;
however, they are significantly scarcer. A mechanism to explain this asymmetry
is still unknown, but some reactions networks have been proposed to explain the
homochirality of biological molecules. Previous models assumed that
homochirality is an equilibrium state. These models rely on an opposite
enantiomers annihilation reaction, which doesn't correspond with the real
dynamics of living systems.
The authors of this paper propose a new model that can explain
homochirality with non-equilibrium dynamics. In the model, a single enantiomer
can be randomly formed due to the system noise. If the autocatalytic formation
of that enantiomer is faster than its degradation, it can keep replicating
itself if the system is continuously fed with the enantiomer precursor. Next
steps will validate these results in an experimental system, like Joyce's
self-replicative ribozyme.
Signalling-based neural networks for cellular computation
Samaniego et al. point out that the kinase/phosphatase signal transduction
networks have properties that lend themselves towards imitating neural networks
built of molecular perceptrons. In particular, the antagonistic nature of the
phosphatase/kinase push-pull motif naturally allows the output level of a
substrate to incorporate a weighted sum over inputs with positive and negative
contributions. Moreover, mechanisms such as zero-order ultrasensitivity allow
the activity level of the substrate to show almost switch-like behaviour
relative to a threshold in this weighted sum. The authors prove certain
properties of cellular neural nets constructed in this way, demonstrating the
possibility of encoding non-linear functions in multi-layer networks. The
question of how practical this would be - particularly due to the peculiar
properties of zero-order ultrasensitivity - remains an open question.
Functional and morphological adaptation in DNA protocells via
signal processing prompted by artificial metalloenzymes
A protocell made of pure DNA. This protocell is constructed by
annealing two types of ssDNAs produced by rolling circle polymerization from
circular DNA templates. The protocell encapsulates artificial metallozymes that
produces DNA-intercalating chemical. As the intercalating molecule gets
produced, the protocell undergoes morphological changes such as expansion.
A DNA-nanoassembly-based approach to map membrane protein
Mapping the nano-environment and the expression levels of
extracellular proteins can reveal a lot of details about the cellular
conditions associated with particular diseases. Different cancer states have
shown different levels of EGFR family proteins and their dimerization states,
especially the formation of heterodimers with Her2 protein. In this article the
researchers have devised an approach to hybridize affibody (small, engineered
proteins for high target specificity)-oligomer conjugates with a nanocomb (a
long DNA strand partially hybridized with shorter DNA oligomers with
overhangs). This nanocomb contains a Her2 binding affibody anti-Her2 attached
to one end as a reference. The other overhangs encode information of their
relative position to the reference, and a common binding domain for the oligos
conjugated with the protein-binding affibodies. The affibody-oligo conjugates
library is added to the concerned protein, and the nanocomb then binds to the
conjugates which are close to the bound reference. These partially hybridised
overhang-oligo complexes are then polymerised and nicked by enzymes, and the
resulting double stranded DNAs are analysed by NGS. This analysis provides
information about which affibodies are bound relatively close to the reference,
and the distance between them. The group has shown that this approach can
distinguish between different cells with different expression levels and
dimerization state of Her2 as a proof of principle.
acid strand displacement with synthetic mRNA inputs in living mammalian cells
In this paper,
the authors investigated the efficiency of a basic strand displacement reaction
within living mammalian cells. Probes were designed and modified in order to
minimise the egration of nucleases and to ensure that the probes localise to
the cytoplasm. The cells are engineered to express a target mRNA with the probe
target sequence. In the 3’ UTR. Detection of the target mRNA results in
detectable fluorescence and estimation of the number of mRNA molecules per
cell. Moreover, this system can be used to follow target mRNA localisation in